If the name and images aren't obvious enough, it's an adventure game that takes place within a parody of Disneyland. Parody is maybe too strong a word though, there are definitely things referencing Disneyland, but it's not really funny.
Your goal in this game is to get into Dezeniland, retrieve the 三月磨臼 (pronounced "Mitsuki Mausu" in romaji - get it?), and get out. This will require you to make your way through several of the attractions.
This game is one of the more well-known Japanese adventure games of 1983, and I think that's entirely due to the aesthetic. The attractions are varied and fun to see with a lot of screens that set it apart from other adventure games of the time, though there's a lot of basic hallways, doorways, etc too as expected like those other games. The puzzle design isn't particularly special, with the exception that the game is somewhat linear. Each attraction is kind of like its own level, and when you solve everything there you reach the exit and go to the next attraction. There are items from previous attractions that don't come into play until later attractions, so I wonder if there are potential dead end situations.
I actually almost didn't finish this game because of what I think is maybe a bug.
(Slight puzzle spoiler)
Early on there's a candle that's supposed to appear after unlocking a cabinet, but I couldn't get it to appear. I fixed it by not picking up the oar first, but I don't know why that worked.