Almost a decade later after its original release, Planetfall was ported to the PC-9801 by SystemSoft. Apparently SystemSoft is known for making military sims and porting Infocom games. I didn't play through the game all the way again because I was just interested in the parser, and it's very impressive!
It essentially translates all of the capabilities of an Infocom parser into Japanese, which I haven't seen before. They can accept particles!!! According to the manual you can input commands like 「フロイドに鍵を取れという」("Tell Floyd to get the key."), do one verb to multiple nouns like 「レーザー銃とヘルメットと双眼鏡を捨てる」("Get rid of the laser gun, helmet, and binoculars"), or multiple sentences in one line like 「本を読む。それをすてる。たいまつで焼く」("Read the book. Get rid of it. Burn it with the torch."). In a lot of the earlier Japanese adventure games you might get the basic [Direction]にいく line like above or [Object]を[Verb], if that, other times you can't even put the particle and just put a space. So to see something like this is pretty neat!
Unfortunately I couldn't get kanji conversion working when playing, but that was a keyboard/emulator issue, the game itself accepts that/hiragana/katakana/romaji input, along with some helpful new features like item graphics and such. Also they add a changing border depending on where you are, which is a pretty PC-98 touch lol.