Gundam PC88 1/Pic01.png)
Gundam PC88 1/Pic02.png)
Gundam PC88 1/Pic03.png)
Gundam PC88 1/Pic04.png)
(Note: The release date above is for the PC-88 version. The FM-7 version was released earlier on October 15, 1983.)
This time I finished the first Mobile Suit Gundam adventure game for the PC-88! While the game today would be described as a combo adventure/action game, the game describes itself as a "real-time role-playing adventure game", or in some advertisements, a "ROLE-VENTURE"! I'm guessing the RPG aspect is that you are playing the role of Amuro, and the real-time part is the action section of the game.
The game is split into 4 sections and recreates the first 2 episodes of the original anime. It's been a few years since I've seen the show, but it seemed to be accurate from what I remembered. Watching it is also probably necessary to know what to do since there's very little guidance in the game. An interesting point about this game is that despite never being released outside of Japan, the game is entirely in English. The grammar/wording is a little off at times, but nothing that makes it too difficult. I also wonder if this is why the parser is extremely limited, since the language could be a barrier for players. It's not rare for a Japanese adventure game at this time to have an English parser, but to have the text also be completely English was, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is the first Japanese adventure game, Omotesando Adventure.
Outside of seeing the first 2 episodes of the original Gundam in PC-88 graphics, there's not much to this game. The real-time action section is laughably short, literally took me less than 10 seconds. Also there's supposed to be music and sound that I heard was impressive, but unfortunately I couldn't get it to work in emulation. There is a sequel to this game, so I will play that soon probably.