(Did not take any photos while playing, so this is just a screenshot of the opening)
I played through the PS1 version of Medievil and it was funny how my opinion of the game just kept falling the further I got into the game. Its aesthetics is what got me interested in playing and for the first few levels I thought it was a little rough, but a fine 3d action platformer. Then you start hitting the levels that pile on the amount of puzzles there are, which usually require backtracking. Then you hit the levels that add annoying stage hazards on top like the whole stage being extremely dark or thin walkways where falling off will take off a whole health bar. Then you hit the levels where enemies start taking off massive amounts of health. By the halfway point I turned on cheats and just blazed through the rest of the game, and nothing I saw there convinced me this was the wrong choice. I did at least learn from this that Duckstation automatically loads the cheats it has for games which was very helpful here. I looked a bit at the 2 remakes, but outside of control improvements, they don't seem to fix the tedium of the original. I know there's a sequel, but it seems more of the same with a less appealing aesthetic, so I likely won't be playing that.