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This time I played the last of the three launch games for the PC-FX, Team Innocent -The Point of No Return-! This one is a survival horror game in the vein of Alone in the Dark. The game is about three girls, Saki, Lilis, and Ariel, who were genetically experimented on by a scientist named Cronus. When he is arrested, they are taken in by the Galactic Police and once they grow up are under the police as Team Innocent.
The game takes place over three missions with unique multi-floor environments, where you are tasked with various objectives to complete with several sub-events you can complete to increase your score. You'll solve various problems and may even learn more of Team Innocent's past the further you get in... It's mostly what you'd expect.
Maybe "survival" and "horror" are too strong to completely fit here. It's not particularly scary outside of being alone in some quiet environments. Even when there's a "surprise" enemy attack, it's frequently preceded by a dialogue sequence or a pause. There's also not much combat here and even when it happens it's pretty easy. I never used any weapons with limited ammo except for one special occasion, and there's no inventory limit, so inventory management didn't matter much. Never died from combat, but death from special environment dangers lets you just reload to right before, I also think it increases your score too. The focus is more on the adventure game aspects. Finding your way around areas, getting key cards, and solving basic puzzles. It gives a more relaxed pace than you'd expect in a survival horror game. You would think the several timed sequences would contradict this, but they are extremely lenient.
I also really like how this game looks, I just like 2d sprites on pre-rendered backgrounds. The cutscenes are nice, but there's a couple when traveling from screen to screen that I eventually would fast forward through. Other than that, there's not much else. It's just kind of a comfy experience where there's not much in the way of hard obstacles.
With this I've played all the launch games for the PC-FX, and I mostly had a good time. Nothing that was exceptional, but interested to see what else there is in the library. I'm probably not going to go strictly in chronological order, likely in rough order, skipping stuff I'm not interested in, and keep going until I'm tired of playing PC-FX games.